Province of New Brunswick now in “Yellow Phase” of recovery
Province of New Brunswick now in “Yellow Phase” of recovery
The yellow phase means reopening of more businesses and activities after the ability to control transmission has been demonstrated.
Subject to the Public Health and WorkSafeNB COVID-19 general guidance, the following activities are allowed:
- Family and friends bubble (May 22)
- Non-regulated health professionals/businesses (May 22)
- Personal services businesses (May 22)
- Outdoor gatherings with physical distancing of 50 or fewer (May 29)
- Religious services, weddings and funerals of 50 or fewer (May 29)
- Increase in elective surgeries and other non-emergency health care services (May 29)
- Swimming pools, saunas and waterparks (May 29)
- Gyms, yoga and dance studios (May 29)
- Rinks and indoor recreational facilities (May 29)
- Pool halls and bowling alleys (May 29)
- Low-contact team sports (May 29)
- Overnight camps (June 19)
- Other sectors to be determined
Family and friends bubble
Your household bubble can be extended to close friends and family. It is recommended that gatherings indoors be limited to no more than 10 people. Continue to keep gatherings as small as possible, especially if you have a vulnerable person in your family or have a child that attends daycare. Large gatherings are discouraged.
Outdoor gatherings with physical distancing of 50 or fewer
Outdoor public gatherings with physical distancing of 50 or fewer will be allowed on May 29, 2020. The limit on gatherings will be reviewed on a regular basis according to risk based on the evolution of the situation in New Brunswick.
Swimming pools, saunas, waterparks
Swimming pools, saunas, waterparks and other similar venues may open if they can respect physical distancing measures. They will also be subject to the COVID-19 general guidance.
More detailed information on the above can be found at: